This is a list of fictional characters from Happy Tree Friends. There are 20 main characters, and some other supporting characters. There have been reports that there will be new main characters in the series.
As soon as you all see this picture you all might think that this is just another ordinary looking cartoon for small kids, the characters are cute, adorable, funny and totally childish. But don’t get fool by this their innocent looking character. seriously they are not as innocent you think they are...
Let's watch it first..then you will know how cute they are.....nanananana nanananan nananana..dududududuu dududududuuu dudududuuu dududuududu nananananaaaaa.....he3....
As soon as you all see this picture you all might think that this is just another ordinary looking cartoon for small kids, the characters are cute, adorable, funny and totally childish. But don’t get fool by this their innocent looking character. seriously they are not as innocent you think they are...
Let's watch it first..then you will know how cute they are.....nanananana nanananan nananana..dududududuu dududududuuu dudududuuu dududuududu nananananaaaaa.....he3....
kelakar seram!!!!den suke yang mcm askar tue..ganas gile time mengamuk
fav den ialah "Lumpy"....bodo2 alang tp ati baek....suker tlg kwn2 dan diri sendiri tanpa mengharap balasan...
alamak...ader org tu dh delete comment dier rrr...errr tp xper2, aku nk bg tau gak nih kat org yg delete comment tuh..mayb pelanduk dua serupa kot yg ko knl tu...aku ni Luna...sebot betol2..LUNA...
koknl aku?errr tp aku ni baru jer 1st time konal ko tau...
selamat bekenalannnnnnn...nananaaa..
ku tau saper dirimu...
ajaklah kengkawan ke rumah ku...
aku xknl kooo...jgn ekori aku lagiii...jgnnnnnnn.......huwaaaaa!!!
aku nak jadi semua.ahakss..
baru aku tahu mogen ali rico tu jantan...sib baik aku tak liwat..
apsal dengan blog lama?
blog lama?apernih?Luna xphm....Luna xphm................
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