Monday, September 8, 2008

Flaky : Trust No One..

Whenever there's prickly situation, this dandruff-laden porcupine is sure to be far, far away. Flaky is a cowardly porcupine, whose quills are full of dandruff, thus the name. Note that Flaky's gender is arguable as the creators haven't actually confirmed it.


Boo do you Think you Are?: Melted by lava.
Happy Trails pt 2: Killed off-screen by Flippy, Lumpy, Handy and Sniffles for ruining their only means of escape.
Hide and Seek: Strangled by Flippy with a wire.
Rink Hi jinks: Is sucked into the floor waxer that Lumpy was operating.
Treasure These Idol Moments: Is hit by Lumpy, who happens to be driving in a playground. (idol-induced)
Smoochie-Catch: Eye explodes of inflation by getting hit by a baseball.
Smoochie-Bat: Gets electrocuted by lightning that hits the metal bat he is holding.
Smoochie-Gum: Suffocates from gum popped all over his face
This is your Knife: Is thrown into the campfire by Flippy.
Class Act: Dropped down the chimney by Lifty and Shifty, and comes out the other end skinned.
Let it Slide: Goes down the de-watered slide, which causes a skinning effect identical to "Class Act"'s.
Keepin' it Reel: Gets strangled by Flippy, who then uses him as a mace and hits Cuddles with his spines which decapitates him in the process.
Ski Ya, Wouldn't Wanna Be Ya: After sliding down the mountainside with his foot stuck in a wooden plank with a nail, he is thrown towards Disco Bear's cabin and sliced into cubes by a chain-link fence around it.